German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 805
tab Schildchen more translation
tabernacle Stiftshütte
table Tabelle
tableau Bild
tableland Flachland
tablespoon Esslöffel
tabloid Tablette more translation
taboo unantastbar more translation
tabular flach more translation
tabulate ordnen more translation
tachometer Geschwindigkeitsmesser more translation
tacit still more translation
tackle Gerät more translation
tacky unverschämt
tact Takt
tactic Taktik
tactile fühlbar more translation
tadpole Kaulquappe
taffeta Taft
taffy Schmeichelei
tag Anhänger more translation
tagging markierend more translation
tail Rest
tailgate Hecktür
tailor Schneider
taint verderben
take nehmen
take off ausziehen
takeover Übernahme more translation
talc Talk
tale Geschichte
talent Talent
talkative gesprächig more translation
talkie Tonfilm
tall groß

Word of the day:
savant · Gelehrte

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