German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 1051 - 1085 of 1403
contemptible verächtlich more translation
contemptuous verächtlich
contend streiten
content Inhalt
contention Streit more translation
contentious umstritten more translation
contest Wettbewerb more translation
contestant Wettkämpfer
context Kontext more translation
contextual zusammenhangsbezogen
contiguity Zusammenhang
contiguous angrenzend more translation
continent Kontinent more translation
contingent eventuell more translation
continual dauernd more translation
continuation Fortdauer more translation
continue weitermachen
continued fortgesetzt
continuity Kontinuität more translation
continuous kontinuierlich
contort verdrehen
contour Umriss more translation
contrabass Kontrabass
contraception Schwangerschaftsverhütung more translation
contraceptive Empfängnisverhütungsmittel
contract Vertrag more translation
contractor Kontraktor more translation
contradict widersprechen
contradictory widersprüchlich more translation
contralto Altstimme
contrariety Widerspruch
contrary Gegenteil
contrast Kontrast
contravene verstoßen
contravention Widerhandlung more translation

Word of the day:
muscle · Muskel

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