German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 465
lighten erleichtern more translation
lightening erhellend
lighthearted fröhlich
lighthouse Leuchtturm
lightning Blitz more translation
lightweight leicht more translation
lignite Braunkohle
like mögen more translation
liken vergleichen
likewise ähnlich more translation
lilac Flieder
lilt trällern
lily Lilie
limb Glied
limbo Rumpelkammer
lime Kalk more translation
limelight Rampenlicht
limestone Kalkstein
limit Grenze more translation
limp lähmen more translation
limpid durchsichtig
line auskleiden more translation
lineage Abstammung
linear linear
linen Leinen more translation
lineup Aufstellung
linger verweilen more translation
lingerie Unterwäsche more translation
lingo Fachjargon
lingua Zunge
lingual Zungenlaut
linguist Linguist more translation
liniment Einreibemittel
link Bindeglied more translation
linkage Verknüpfung more translation

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promenade · Promenade

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.