German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 666 - 700 of 805
trio Terzett
trip Reise more translation
tripartite dreiseitig
tripe Kaldaune
triple dreifach
triplet Drilling more translation
triplex dreifach
triplicate dreifach
tripod dreibeinig more translation
trite abgedroschen
triumph Triumph more translation
triumphant erfolgreich more translation
triune dreieinig
trivalent dreiwertig
trivia only plural in this context
trivial gewöhnlich more translation
trod Schritt
troglodyte Höhlenbewohner
troika Dreigespann
troll Troll more translation
trolley Wagen more translation
trollop Schlampe
trombone Posaune
troop Schar
trophy Siegeszeichen
tropic Wendekreis
trot Trab more translation
trouble Mühe more translation
troublesome mühevoll more translation
trough Mulde more translation
trounce verprügeln more translation
trouser Hose
trout Forelle
truancy Schwänzen
truant Bummler more translation

Word of the day:
thrifty · geizig

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.