German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 356
wayside Wegrand
wayward launisch
we wir
weak schwach more translation
weal Schwiele
wealth Reichtum
wealthy Reich
wean entwöhnen
weapon Waffe
weaponry Waffenschmiede
wear Verschleiß
wearisome ermüdend
weary müde
weasel Wiesel
weather Wetter
weatherproof wetterfest
weatherstrip Dichtungsleiste
weave weben
web Netz
wed heiraten
wedge Fimmel
wedlock ehe
Wednesday Mittwoch
wee klein
weed Unkraut
weedy unkrautartig
week Woche
weekday Wochentag
weekend Wochenende
weigh Wagen
weight Gewicht
weighty schwer
weir Wehr
weird seltsam
welcome willkommen

Word of the day:
transcendent · überweltlich

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.