German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 593
fable Fabel
fabric Struktur
fabricate herstellen
fabulous märchenhaft
facade Fassade
face Oberfläche
facet Facette
facetious witzig
facile leicht
facilitate unterstützen
facility Gelegenheit more translation
facsimile Faksimile
fact Tatsache more translation
factor Faktor more translation
factory Betrieb more translation
factual faktisch
faculty Fähigkeit more translation
fade verblassen more translation
fag abplacken
fail fehlen more translation
failsafe ausfallsicher
failure Fehler more translation
fain gern
faint schwach more translation
fair heiter more translation
fairgoer Messebesucher
fairway Fahrrinne
fairy Fee more translation
fairytale märchenhaft
faith Glaube more translation
fake falsch more translation
falcon Falke
falconry Falkenjagd
fallacious trügerisch
fallacy Irrtum

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