German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 275
vacant frei
vacant lot Baulücke
vacant seat freier Sitz
vacate verlassen more translation
vacation Urlaub
vaccinate impfen
vaccine Impfstoff more translation
vacillate Schwanken more translation
vacuous leer
vacuum Vakuum
vagabond Landstreicher more translation
vagina Scheide
vaginal vaginal
vagrant unstet more translation
vague undeutlich more translation
vain nutzlos
vainglorious prahlerisch
vale Tal more translation
valediction Abschied
valedictorian Abschiedsredner
valedictory Abschiedsrede
valentine Person more translation
valet Diener more translation
valiant tapfer
valid gültig
validate überprüfen more translation
valley Tal
value Wert
valve Ventil more translation
vamp Vamp more translation
van Lastwagen more translation
vanadium Vanadium
vanguard Vorhut more translation
vanilla Vanille
vanish verschwinden

Word of the day:
snug · behaglich

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