German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 701 - 735 of 1257
polymorphic vielgestaltig
polyphony Polyphonie
polypropylene Polypropylen
polytechnic polytechnisch
pomade Pomade
pomegranate Granatapfel
pomp Prunk more translation
pomposity Prunk more translation
pompous pompös
pond Teich more translation
ponder nachdenken
ponderous schwer more translation
pontiff Hohepriester
pooch Köter
poodle Pudel
pool Pool
poop auspumpen
poor arm
pop Pop more translation
pope Papst
poplar Pappel
poplin Popelin
poppy Mohnblume
populace Pöbel
popular beliebt
populate bevölkern
population Bevölkerung
populous volkreich
porcelain Porzellan
porch Vorhalle more translation
porcine schweinisch more translation
porcupine Stachelschwein
pore Pore
pork Schweinefleisch
pornographer Pornograph

Word of the day:
interruptible · unterbrechbar

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