German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 1016 - 1050 of 1257
profound tief
profundity Tiefe more translation
profuse übermäßig more translation
profusion Überfluss
progenitor Stammvater
progeny Frucht
prognosis Prognose more translation
prognosticate voraussagen
program Programm
programmable programmierbar
programmer Programmierer
programming Programmierung more translation
progress Fortschritt
progression Verlauf more translation
progressive fortschrittlich more translation
prohibit verhindern
prohibition Verbot more translation
prohibitive unterbindend more translation
prohibitory verbietend more translation
project Plan
projectile Geschoss more translation
projector Projektor
prolate abgeplattet more translation
proletariat Proletariat
prolific Reich
prolix weitschweifig
prolong verlängern
prolongate verzögert more translation
prom Ball
promenade Spaziergang more translation
promethium Promethium
prominent prominent
promiscuous verworren more translation
promise Versprechen
promote fördern

Word of the day:
indigestible · unverdaulich

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.