German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 1401 - 1435 of 1768
stratify schichten
stratosphere Stratosphäre
stratospheric stratosphärisch
stratum Schicht
straw Stroh
strawberry Erdbeere
stray streunend
streak Streifen
streamline Stromlinie
street Straße
streetcar Straßenbahn more translation
strength Stärke
strengthen verstärken more translation
strenuous tüchtig more translation
streptococcus Bakteriengattung
stress Druck
stretch strecken
strict streng
stricture Verengung
stride schreiten
strident scharf more translation
strife Streit more translation
strike drücken
string String
stringent streng more translation
stringy zäh more translation
strip Streifen
stripe Streifen
striptease Entkleidungsnummer
strive erstreben
strobe abtasten
stroke Streich more translation
stroll Spaziergang
stroller Kinderwagen
strong kräftig more translation

Word of the day:
squatting · kauernd

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