German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 1471 - 1505 of 1768
sturdy robust
sturgeon Stör
stutter stottern
style Ausdrucksweise more translation
stylish stilvoll more translation
stylus Griffel more translation
stymie hindern
styrene Styrol more translation
suave sanft more translation
sub Unter...
subdue bändigen
subject Thema more translation
subjective subjektiv
subjectivity Subjektivität
sublimate Sublimat more translation
subliminal unterbewusst more translation
submarine U-Boot
submersible untertauchbar
submission Vorlage
submit vorschlagen
submittal Vorlage
submitting fügend more translation
subpoena vorladen
subrogation Gläubigerübergang more translation
subscribe abonnieren
subservient dienstbar
subsidiary untergeordnet more translation
subsidy Zuschuss more translation
subsist fortdauern more translation
subsistent unterhaltend
substance Substanz
substantial wirklich more translation
substantiate beweisen more translation
substitute ersetzen
substitution Ersatz more translation

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jaguar · Jaguar

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.