German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 491 - 525 of 751
misplace verlegen more translation
miss Fehlschuss more translation
misshapen unförmig
missieur Herr
missile Rakete more translation
mission Einsatz more translation
missionary Missionar
missive Sendschreiben
mist Nebel
mistakes Fehler
mistletoe Mistel
misty neblig
misunderstand missverstehen
mite Milbe
mitigate lindern
mitt Halbhandschuh
mitten Fausthandschuh more translation
mix mischen
mixture Mischung
moan jammern more translation
moat Stadtgraben
mob Meute
mobcap Morgenhaube
mobile beweglich more translation
mobility Mobilität
moccasin Mokassin
mock Attrappe more translation
mockery Spott
mockingbird Spottdrossel
mockup Modell
mode Art more translation
model Muster
modem Modem
moderate angemessen more translation
modern modern

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let · lassen

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