German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 666 - 700 of 751
muddy trübe more translation
mudguard Kotflügel
muff Muff more translation
muffin Teesemmel
muffle einhüllen more translation
mug Krug more translation
mugging ausraubend
muggy schwul
mulatto Mulatte
mulberry Maulbeerbaum
mulch Strohdecke
mulct Geldstrafe
mule Maulesel more translation
mulish störrisch
mull Müll more translation
mulligan Eintopf
multifarious mannigfaltig
multiple mehrfach more translation
multiplex vielfältig more translation
multiplexor Bündler more translation
multiplicand Multiplikand
multiplication Multiplikation
multiplicative vielfach
multiplicity Vielheit
multiply vermehren more translation
multitude Menge more translation
multitudinous zahlreich
mum still
mumble murmeln more translation
mummy Mumie
munch geräuschvoll more translation
mundane prosaisch more translation
municipal kommunal more translation
munificent freigebig more translation
mural Mauer more translation

Word of the day:
brownie · Heinzelmännchen

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.