German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 596 - 630 of 751
moot Streit
mop scheuern
moraine Moräne
moral Moral more translation
morale Moral
morass Morast
moratorium Moratorium
morbid morbid
more mehr more translation
morel Morchel
moreover außerdem more translation
morgue Leichenschauhaus
moribund sterbend
morn Morgen
morning Morgen more translation
morning sickness Morgenübelkeit
moron Irrer
morose mürrisch
morpheme Morphem
morphine Morphium
morphology Formenlehre
morsel Bissen
mortal sterblich more translation
mortar Mörser
mortgage Hypothek more translation
mortgagee Hypothekar
mortgagor Pfandschuldner
mortician Bestatter
mortify demütigen
mosaic Mosaik
mosque Moschee
mosquito Moskito more translation
moss Moos
mossy moosig
mot Wort

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supplicate · anflehen

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