German Dictionary

English German
Showing translation entries 631 - 665 of 751
motel Motel
motet Motette
moth Motte
mother Mutter
mother in law Schwiegermutter
motherhood Mutterschaft
motherland Vaterland
motif Motiv
motion Antrag more translation
motivate anregen
motive Beweggrund more translation
motley scheckig
motor Motor
motorcycle Motorrad
mottle marmorieren
mould gießen
mound Hügel
mount Berg
mountain Berg
mountaineer Bergbewohner
mountainous bergig
mountainside Berghang
mourn trauern
mouse Maus
mousy mausgrau
mouth Mund
mouthpiece Mundstück
move bewegen more translation
movie Film more translation
much viel more translation
mucilage Schleim
muck Mist
mucus Schleim
mud Dreck more translation
muddle verwirren more translation

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consistent · gleichmäßig

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